paint color

Paint Color Questions

Why does the paint chip color look different at home or after the wall is painted?

Light makes all the difference!  Light reflects differently on the card than  it does on your wall.   Several variables change the final appearance of paint. Things such as finish, access to natural light, type of light bulb, and even carpet or floor color can make a huge impact.

The following article explains the difference between your paint chip at the store and the finish on your wall.  It explains the phenomenon called “metamerism.” – The “M” Word

How does matching lighting and paint color impact the final result in a room?

Lighting dramatically changes color. The natural light from windows and glass doors, for example, will influence the color during the day and change it at night.  The color of our bedroom is a light green during the day but has a blue hue in the evening. The following article explains the different types of light and their impact on the color and mood of your room. – Matching Room Color and Lighting

How to pick Interior Paint Colors

The following Sherwin Williams article gives some interesting principles for choosing interior colors and what certain colors communicate.  Choosing Interior Colors

How to choose Exterior Paint Colors

Choosing the “right” paint color for the exterior of your house can be a daunting task.   The following link will share some  Dos and Don’ts of Exterior Color